Level Up Your RV Adventures: The Ultimate Guide to Camper Levelers

Categories: eParts, Tips & Tricks

You’ve packed your bags, fueled up the RV, and set your sights on the open road. But before you hit the highway, there’s one crucial task that often gets overlooked: Camper Levelers. Trust me, it’s not just about aesthetics or impressing your fellow campers (though a perfectly leveled rig does turn heads). No, my friend, proper leveling is the unsung hero of your RV journey. Let’s dive into why it matters more than you think!

Prioritize safety over enjoyment

Consider this: When you get to your campsite, all you want to do is relax and roast marshmallows. But hold on! Your comfortable living area suddenly feels like a carnival ride as your RV tilts like a seesaw. Unlevel surfaces can cause spills, trips, and slips—especially in the little bathroom hallway at two in the morning. (Believe me, nobody wants to fall at midnight.) By ensuring stability, proper leveling lowers the chance of accidents. So, shall we reserve the circus acts for the performers?

Comfort Zone: Achieved!

Picture yourself sipping coffee at the dinette. The view outside? A serene lake surrounded by pine trees. But hold on—why does your cup keep sliding toward the window? Ah, yes, the dreaded slope! Camper levelers save you from this wobbly situation. When your RV is balanced, your morning brew stays put, and you can enjoy the scenery without feeling like you’re aboard a pirate ship. Plus, a level bed means better sleep. No more waking up with your feet higher than your head (unless you’re practicing yoga poses in your sleep).

Efficiency Boost: The Hidden Perk

Now, let’s talk efficiency. You’re not just cruising; you’re living the RV dream. And guess what? A level rig works smarter, not harder. Your fridge cools evenly, your stove cooks without leaning lasagna towers, and your shower drain doesn’t play hide-and-seek. Plus, your RV’s systems—like water tanks and propane appliances—operate optimally when the playing field is flat. So, while you’re out exploring, your camper levelers quietly whisper, “We got this, captain!”

Level Up Your RV Adventures: The Ultimate Guide to Camper Levelers

Types of Camper Levelers: Your RV’s Secret Superheroes

Ah, fellow road warrior, let’s talk about the unsung heroes of the RV world—the camper levelers. These trusty companions ensure your home-on-wheels stands tall, steady, and ready for adventure. So, grab your marshmallow stick (or a cup of cocoa, if you’re feeling fancy), and let’s dive into the fascinating world of leveling wizardry.

1. Building-Block Style RV Levelers

Picture this: You roll into a campsite, and the ground resembles a roller coaster track. Fear not! Building-block style levelers are here to save the day. These colorful, interlocking blocks are like Legos for grown-ups. Stack ’em up, slide ’em under your tires, and voilà—your RV transforms into a level oasis. Bonus points: They double as conversation starters with fellow campers. “Hey, neighbor, nice choice of levelers! Are those the limited-edition sunset orange ones?”

2. BAL Light Trailer Tire Leveler

Meet the strong, silent type—the BAL Light Trailer Tire Leveler. It’s like having a personal trainer for your RV’s wheels. Simply slip it under the low tire, crank the handle (cue epic workout montage music), and watch your rig rise gracefully. No more teeter-totter vibes during dinner prep! Plus, it’s compact enough to fit in your storage compartment alongside the marshmallow skewers and UFO-shaped grill.

3. Andersen Camper Leveler: The Techie’s Choice

Calling all tech enthusiasts! The Andersen Camper Leveler is your digital co-pilot. Imagine an electronic leveler that syncs with your smartphone. Yes, you heard right. Connect, calibrate, and let the app guide you to level nirvana. It’s like having a GPS for your RV’s equilibrium. And when you nail that perfect level, you’ll feel like a space explorer landing on a distant planet. “Houston, we have zero tilt!”

Level Up Your RV Adventures: The Ultimate Guide to Camper Levelers

DIY Leveling Hacks: Elevate Your RV Game with Everyday Magic

Let’s talk about the secret sauce that turns your wonky RV into a cozy, level paradise. No, it’s not unicorn tears or stardust (though those would be cool). It’s the art of DIY leveling—where resourcefulness meets campsite wizardry. Buckle up, because we’re about to unveil some leveling hacks that’ll make your rig sing, “I’m on top of the world!”

1. Wooden Planks: Nature’s Levelers

Picture this: You roll into a campsite, and the ground resembles a rollercoaster track. Fear not! Grab those trusty wooden planks (preferably pressure-treated 2x8s) from your stash. These humble heroes are like the Swiss Army knives of leveling. Here’s the drill:

  • Park your RV where you want it.
  • Slide the planks under your tires (front or back, depending on the slope).
  • Voilà! Your rig transforms into a level oasis.

Pro Tip: Some crafty RVers add screw eyes and rope to the plank ends. Why? So you can place them with ease and do a victory twirl at the end of each trip.

2. Rubber Pavers: The Bouncy Solution

Imagine your RV tires sinking into soft ground like quicksand. Enter rubber pavers—the unsung heroes from your local hardware store. Here’s the scoop:

  • Grab a few pavers (they’re like oversized, indestructible coasters).
  • Position them under your tires (front or back, again depending on the tilt).
  • Bounce your way to level bliss!

Fun Fact: Rubber pavers also moonlight as impromptu dance floors during campfire soirées. Cha-cha-cha!

3. Smartphone Apps: The Digital Compass Whisperers

Your trusty phone isn’t just for selfies and cat videos. It’s also a leveling prof! Download a leveling app (yes, they exist) and let the pixels guide you:

  • Park your RV (you’ve got this).
  • Fire up the app (bonus points if it plays soothing forest sounds).
  • Follow the arrows like a treasure hunt. Left a bit, right a smidge, and—bam! Level achieved.

Note: If your app starts chanting “Namaste” during leveling, consider it a cosmic alignment bonus. 

Level Up Your RV Adventures: The Ultimate Guide to Camper Levelers

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Leveling Your RV: Don’t Trip Up!

Ah, fellow wanderer, let’s chat about the delicate dance of RV leveling. Picture this: You’ve arrived at your campsite, the birds are harmonizing, and you’re ready to kick back. But wait! Before you break out the marshmallows, let’s sidestep some common leveling blunders. Trust me, avoiding these pitfalls will keep your RV adventure smooth and hiccup-free.

1. The “I Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Level” Attitude

Listen up, rebel! Ignoring your trusty bubble level is like baking cookies without measuring cups—utter chaos. When you skip the level, your RV might tilt like a tipsy sailor. Result? Unsteady walking (cue the slapstick comedy), pots sliding off stovetops (pancakes, anyone?), and cabinet items doing Olympic dives when you open the door (ouch!). So, channel your inner precision artist and whip out that level. Your shins will thank you.

2. Wheel Chocks? Nah, I’ll Wing It!

Picture this: You’re jacking up your RV, feeling all MacGyver-ish. But oops! You forgot the wheel chocks. Suddenly, your rig decides to moonwalk (Michael Jackson style) down the slope. Disaster! Chocks are your silent guardians—they keep your wheels in check, prevent accidental rollaways, and save your sanity. So, before you start the leveling tango, give those wheels a friendly hug with chocks. Your RV will stay put, and you’ll earn a gold star in Campground Safety 101.

3. The “Fridge Roulette” Game

Ah, the RV fridge—the unsung hero of road trips. But here’s the twist: If your rig isn’t level, the fridge might throw a tantrum. Imagine your milk curdling in protest or your ice cream melting into a puddle of sorrow. So, before you unleash the fridge’s wrath, ensure your RV is within two degrees of plumb (fancy word for “level”). Your cold drinks and midnight snacks will thank you. Plus, no one wants a hangry fridge—it’s scarier than a zombie apocalypse.

Remember, fellow adventurer, leveling isn’t rocket science. It’s about comfort, safety, and keeping your RV components happy (they have feelings too, right?). So, grab your bubble level, befriend those wheel chocks, and give your fridge a high-five. Your RV will purr like a contented cat, and you’ll strut around the campfire like a seasoned pro. Happy trails, leveler extraordinaire!